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Last name
Phone number (no spaces)
What were your main reasons for leaving us? Please tick all answers that apply. Better cover elsewhereBetter premium elsewhereLack of contact from my advisorLack of or poor risk management adviceMy usual contact has left and I would prefer to go with themPoor insurer claims serviceYou did not support me through my claimI no longer operate my business or I have sold my businessYou could not arrange the cover I needResponse times to renewalsOther
Additional information
What are the most important reasons for buying insurance? Please tick all answers that apply. Cheapest priceValue for moneyBreadth of coverRange of product offeringsEnhancements of coverRisk management adviceRegular contact with meDealing with my queries efficiently and effectivelyRelationship or one point of contactRegular communications providing advice and guidance on external issues affecting my businessClaims offering and serviceReputation or brand
Please highlight your top three.
Any other factors?
If we could change one thing today, that would make you reconsider cancelling your policy with us, what would it be?
Overall, what could we have done better/do better to improve your experience of working with Marsh Commercial?
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